US Battle Tanks 1946-2025
A comprehensive and detailed illustrated examination of the development and combat performance of US..
Κωδ.: D31562
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US Combat Shotguns, Weapon 29, Osprey
Winchester, Remington, Ithaca Gun Company, Stevens, Savage, Mossberg, Benelli, and other gun manufac..
Κωδ.: WPN29
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
US Marine vs Japanese Soldier
Σειρά COMBAT, βιβλίο No 77: US Marine vs Japanese Soldier - Saipan, Guam, and Peleliu, 1944Fully ill..
Κωδ.: CBT77
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US Navy Pacific Fleet 1941
Σειρά FLEET βιβλίο No 7: US Navy Pacific Fleet 1941 - America's mighty last battleship fleetThe..
Κωδ.: FLT 7
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US Seventh Fleet, Vietnam 1964-75, Fleet 4, Osprey
US SEVENTH FLEET, VIETNAM 1964-75 - American naval power in Southeast AsiaA superbly illustrated exa..
Κωδ.: FLT 4
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USAF McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, Air Vanguard 7, Osprey
In many respects the most successful, versatile and widely-used combat aircraft of the post-war era ..
Κωδ.: AVG7
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Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War, Aviation Elite Units 21, Osprey
The pilots called themselves the 'Tokyo Club'. It was a simple task to become a member. All you had ..
Κωδ.: AEU21
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VF-11/111 Sundowners 1942-95
Σειρά Aviation Elite Units, βιβλίο Νο 36: VF-11/111 ''Sundowners'' 1942-95Fighting Squadron 11 ..
Κωδ.: AEU36
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Vietnam, Osprey
VIETNAM - A View from the Front LinesFrom Andrew Wiest, the bestselling author of The Boys of '67: C..
Κωδ.: D22193
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Waffen-SS Soldier vs Soviet Rifleman
Σειρά COMBAT, βιβλίο No 71: Waffen-SS Soldier vs Soviet Rifleman - Rostov-on-Don and Kharkov 19..
Κωδ.: CBT71
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Walther Pistols, Weapon 82, Osprey
WALTHER PISTOLS: PP, PPK and P 38While the PP and PPK were intended for police work, the Walther P 3..
Κωδ.: WPN 82
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Warriors of Medieval Japan
The fearless, elite warriors of medieval Japan were loyal comrades but deadly foes. Whether foot sol..
Κωδ.: 4117
Warship 2016
WARSHIP 2016 is devoted to the design, development and service history of the world's combat ships.F..
Κωδ.: D12829
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Warship 2022
A celebrated annual publication featuring the latest research on history, development, and service o..
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Warship 2024
The 2024 edition of Warship, the celebrated annual publication featuring original research on t..
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We Killed Yamamoto
Σειρά RAID βιβλίο No 53: We Killed Yamamoto - The long-range P-38 assassination of the man..
Κωδ.: RAID 53
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Who Dares Wins, Raid 4, Osprey
Who Dares Wins - The SAS and the Iranian Embassy Siege 1980For 5 days in May 1980, the world watched..
Κωδ.: RAID4
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World War II US Gunships, X-Planes 14, Osprey
WORLD WAR II US GUNSHIPS - YB-40 Flying Fortress and XB-41 Liberator Bomber EscortsBefore the P-51 M..
Κωδ.: XPL14
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Yom Kippur War 1973
Σειρά AIR CAMPAIGN, βιβλίο No 43: Yom Kippur War 1973 - Airpower in Israel's hardest-fought war..
Κωδ.: ACM43
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Yugoslavia and Greece 1940-41
Σειρά AIR CAMPAIGN, βιβλίο No 48: Yugoslavia and Greece 1940-41 - The Axis' aerial assault in t..
Κωδ.: ACM 48
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