Samurai Heraldry
Σειρά ELITE βιβλίο No 82: Samurai HeraldryThe dazzling spectacle presented by the armies of med..
Κωδ.: ELI 82
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San Juan Hill 1898
CAMPAIGN Series No 57: SAN JUAN HILL 1898 - America's Emergence as a World PowerLabelled a 'splendid..
Κωδ.: CAM 57
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821-48
Σειρά ELITE βιβλίο No 102: Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821-48Detailed information on the Mexican..
Κωδ.: ELI 102
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SAS Combat Vehicles 1942-91, New Vanguard 295, Osprey
The SAS, the world's most famous special operations unit, made its name in the desert of North Afric..
Κωδ.: NVG295
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Savoia-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero Bomber Units, Combat Aircraft 122, Osprey
Initially developed by Savoia-Marchetti as a transport, the aircraft had evolved into a dedicated me..
Κωδ.: COM122
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Savoia-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero Torpedo-Bomber Units, Combat Aircraft 106, Osprey
Italy's most successful wartime bomber, the S.79 saw combat with the Regia Aeronautica in France, Yu..
Κωδ.: COM106
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
SBD Dauntless Units of World War 2, Combat Aircraft 10, Osprey
Σειρά COMBAT AIRCRAFT No 10: SBD Dauntless Units of World War 2Unquestionably the most successf..
Κωδ.: COM10
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Scandinavian Armies in the Napoleonic Wars, Men at Arms 60, Osprey Publishing
Συγγραφέας: Jack Cassin-ScottΈκδοση: Osprey PublishingISBN: 085045252XΠεριγραφή: ..
Κωδ.: D07831
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle, New Vanguard 13, Osprey
Έκδοση: Osprey Publishing Περιγραφή: Σελ. 48, μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 248 Χ 185 mm. ΕΞΑΝΤΛΗΜΕΝΟ Σ..
Κωδ.: D09294
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Scottish Renaissance Armies 1513-1550, Elite 167, Osprey
SCOTTISH RENAISSANCE ARMIES 1513-1550This book details the armies of what is known as 'the Rough Woo..
Κωδ.: D19616
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Scud Ballistic Missile and Launch Systems 1955-2005, New Vanguard 120, Osprey
The Scud missile was developed as the centerpiece of Soviet plans to fight nuclear war in the heart ..
Κωδ.: NVG 120
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SdKfz 251 Half-Track 1939–45, Vanguard 25
Συγγραφέας: Bryan PerrettΕικονογράφηση: Bruce Culver Έκδοση: Osprey Publishing (1982)ISBN:..
Κωδ.: D12451
SE 5/5a Aces of World War I, Aircraft of the Aces 78, Osprey
The SE 5/5a British single-seat aircraft was one of the major fighting scouts of the last 18 months ..
Κωδ.: ACE78
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SE 5a vs Albatros D V
Σειρά DUEL, βιβλίο No 20: SE 5a vs Albatros D V - Western Front 1917-18Amid the ongoing qu..
Κωδ.: DUE 20
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Sea Power - The Coalition and Iraqi Navies, Osprey
DESERT STORM SPECIAL No 3: SEA POWER - The Coalition and Iraqi Navies.Συγγραφέας: Peter GilchristΈκδ..
Κωδ.: 1109
Seafire vs A6M Zero, Duel 16, Osprey
SEAFIRE VS A6M ZERO - Pacific TheatreProducts of vastly different design philosophies, the Seafire F..
Κωδ.: DUE16
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Second Manassas 1862
Σειρά CAMPAIGN βιβλίο No 95: Second Manassas 1862 - Robert E Lee’s greatest victoryA highly ill..
Κωδ.: CAM 95
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns of the Soviet Union, New Vanguard 222, Osprey
During the Cold War, the Soviet Army was perhaps the deadliest fighting force the world had ever see..
Κωδ.: NVG 222
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Seventh Fleet Super Carriers, Tony Holmes
SEVENTH FLEET SUPER CARRIERS: US Naval Air Power in the PacificΣυγγραφέας: Tony HolmesΈκδοση:&n..
Κωδ.: D24473
Sherman Crab Flail Tank, New Vanguard 139, Osprey
The Sherman Crab Flail tank was the powerful culmination of a series of mine-clearing flail tanks de..
Κωδ.: D09379
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Sherman Firefly vs Tiger, Duel 2, Osprey
SHERMAN FIREFLY VS TIGER: Normandy 1944The German Tiger heavy tank was a monster of a machine that d..
Κωδ.: DUE 2
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Sherman, New Vanguard 3, Osprey
SHERMAN MEDIUM TANK, 1942-1945.The M4 Sherman tank was the mainstay of the Western allies between 1..
Κωδ.: D09373
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Ship Spotter's Guide, Osprey
Since the days of the Ancient Greeks, naval ships of all sizes have revolutionized warfare. From the..
Κωδ.: D22195
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Siege Weapons of the Far East (1), New Vanguard 43, Osprey
The prevalence of particular fortress types in medieval China, Mongolia, Japan and Korea demanded th..
Κωδ.: D16569
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Siege Weapons of the Far East (2), New Vanguard 44, Osprey
From the 11th century AD, East Asian armies made increasing use of exploding missiles and siege cann..
Κωδ.: D16568
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Sink the Tirpitz 1942-44, Air Campaign 7, Osprey
SINK THE TIRPITZ 1942-44: The RAF and Fleet Air Arm duel with Germany's mighty battleshipThe story o..
Κωδ.: ACM7
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Six-Day War 1967, Air Campaign 10, Osprey
SIX-DAY WAR 1967: Operation Focus and the 12 hours that changed the Middle EastOn one day in June, t..
Κωδ.: D19629
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Slovakian and Bulgarian Aces of World War 2, Aircraft of the Aces 58, Osprey
In 1939, Slovakia signed a protection agreement with the German Reich and joined the attack on Polan..
Κωδ.: ACE58
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Small-Scale Armour Modelling, Alex Clark
SMALL SCALE ARMOUR MODELLING: The Essential Guide for the Serious Modeller.A COMPLETE GUIDE TO BUILD..
Κωδ.: D13033
Sniping Rifles in the War Against Japan 1941-45, Weapon 88, Osprey
Fully illustrated, this absorbing study explores the evolving sniping technology and tactics employe..
Κωδ.: WPN 88
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Soldiers of Fortune, Elite 244, Osprey
SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE: Mercenaries and Military Adventurers, 1960-2020This highly illustrated title tr..
Κωδ.: ELI244
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Soldiers of the English Civil War (1), Elite No 25, Osprey
SOLDIERS OF THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR (1): Infantry.When civil war erupted in England in 1642, it ..
Κωδ.: D11589
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Soldiers of the English Civil War (2), Elite No 27, Osprey
SOLDIERS OF THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR (2): Cavalry.In March 1642 King Charles I, believing that Parliame..
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Son Tay 1970
Σειρά RAID, βιβλίο No 60: Son Tay 1970 - The Operation Ivory Coast POW rescue missionA sup..
Κωδ.: RAID 60
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Sopwith Camel vs Fokker Dr I, Duel 7, Osprey
SOPWITH CAMEL VS FOKKER DR. I, WESTERN FRONT 1917-1918.Amid the continuous struggle for aerial super..
Κωδ.: D09363
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Sopwith Pup Aces of World War 1, Aircraft of the Aces 67, Osprey
The Sopwith Pup was the forerunner of the hugely successful Sopwith Camel, which duly became the mos..
Κωδ.: ACE67
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Sopwith Triplane Aces of World War 1, Aircraft of the Aces 62, Osprey
The inspiration behind the iconic Fokker Dr I, Sopwith's Triplane was built as a replacement for the..
Κωδ.: ACE62
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South African Special Forces
Σειρά ELITE βιβλίο No 47: South African Special ForcesThis book provides a highly detailed acco..
Κωδ.: ELI 47
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South Atlantic 1982
Σειρά AIR CAMPAIGN, βιβλίο Νο 51: South Atlantic 1982 - The carrier campaign in the Falkla..
Κωδ.: ACM51
Αναμένεται σύντομα!
Soviet Aces of World War 2, Aircraft of the Aces 15, Osprey
No single volume in English has ever appeared in the West dealing with this intriguing subject area,..
Κωδ.: D22023
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Soviet Bloc Elite Forces, Elite 5, Osprey
The elite forces of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies in the mid-1980s were undoubtedly th..
Κωδ.: ELI 5
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Soviet Cold War Attack Submarines
Σειρά NEW VANGUARD No 287: SOVIET COLD WAR ATTACK SUBMARINES: Nuclear classes from November to Akula..
Κωδ.: NVG 287
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Soviet Cold War Guided Missile Cruisers, New Vanguard 242, Osprey
SOVIET COLD WAR GUIDED MISSILE CRUISERSHeavily armed and formidable, guided missile cruisers formed ..
Κωδ.: D19620
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Soviet Cruisers 1917-45
Σειρά NEW VANGUARD, βιβλίο No 326: SOVIET CRUISERS 1917-45 - From the October Revolution to Wor..
Κωδ.: NVG 326
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Soviet Heavy Tanks, Vanguard 24, Osprey
Συγγραφείς: Steven J. Zaloga and James GrandsenΈκδοση: Osprey PublishingΠεριγραφή: Σε..
Κωδ.: D22397
Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2, Aircraft of the Aces 107, Osprey
Following the destruction wrought on the Red Army Air Forces during the first days of Operation Barb..
Κωδ.: ACE107
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν Παραγγελίας σε 20 - 40 ημέρες
Soviet Lend-Lease Fighter Aces of World War 2, Aircraft of the Aces 74, Osprey
By the end of 1941 the Soviet Union was near collapse and its air force almost annihilated, leaving ..
Κωδ.: ACE74
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Soviet MiG-15 Aces of the Korean War, Aircraft of the Aces 82
The Soviet Union began assisting the People's Republic of China in its establishment of a modern air..
Κωδ.: ACE82
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Soviet Motor Gunboats of World War II, New Vanguard 324, Osprey
SOVIET MOTOR GUNBOATS OF WORLD WAR II - The Red Army's 'river tanks' from Stalingrad to BerlinA comp..
Κωδ.: NVG 324
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Soviet Naval Infantry 1917-91, Elite 249, Osprey
Drawing upon Soviet sources, this book assesses the evolving organization, uniforms, insignia, weapo..
Κωδ.: ELI249
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