Home address: Melikia Lefkimmi, Corfu - Greece, GR-49080
E-mail address: Kostas.planeart@yahoo.gr
Telephone no: 00306975759592
Biography: Kostas Kavvathias was born in the Island of Corfu- Greece in July 24th 1968. His father was a builder constructor worker and his mother was a farmer. He has an older brother who's a teacher and lives and works in Athens! At an early age came in contact with (later) friend, who introduce him to plastic modelling. It was love at first site! Kostas became an avid builder and till nowadays modelling is his prime hobby. He was so much fasinating with ww2 planes mainly, but also Ships and military hardware from the same period. As the years passed, he noticed that some model kits were more attractive in the box than others! The image on the box was so pleasant to watch, esspecially the Matchbox ones. He was so crazy with that, soon was bying kits with no much interest really, but for the nice painting on the lid of the box. Later on, Japanese model companies arrived in the model scene and made the young modeller to spend almost all his money to buy those great kits with the magic box art! As a child he always liked to draw, so having this under his belt he decided to have a go painting an aeroplane image!
That was the beggining of a much stronger passion, the so called: Aviation art!! In 1988 moves to England for a 4 year stay. The passion then became an endless search for the country's long tradition on aviation art! Names like, Frank wooton, Robert Taylor, David Sheperd, Gerald Coulson, became familiar names, and Kostas will look at the magazines all the adverts for the new aviation art hitting the market. In 1992 returns to Greece cos an Illness of his Mother force him to came back. He continued to search for anything he could find on aviation art, but simultaniosly he was working his own images trying to improve them by seeing the works of the great artists in the kind of field. Through a friend from Athens, he was able to collaborate with the Periscopio Publications, and was commissioned by them to paint several covers for their Military and historic magazines and books. That activity, brought him in the attention of the Greek Air Force, and he painted for them more than 30 paintings.
In the recent years, his work can be seen in the Military Art Gallery, under "originals for sale" section, in the web-site www.dhz-books.com and in the section "aircfafts" on the official site of the 57th Fighter group(US). Also nowadays works as an illustrator painting box art, for the Chinese model company Trumpeter! He works with Oils and Acrylics, on canvas, and he is mainly interested to sell his art as originals to who ever has a passion for aviation art. He also paints images concerning, maritime, military, motor sport, and nude subjects! Aviation art portal is for him a big step ahead cos he will have the chance, his work to be seen by a lot or really serious aviation art collectors and enthousiasts! His other interests are, Music, base guitar, guitar and drums. (he worked in England as a drummer in verious Rock bands). he also watched 233 lessons in the open university serries, to become an aerodynamic degree master. (with never finishing the course).
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