Linear B - A New Outlook (3 Volumes), Kapon Editions


  • Product Code: D07720 [7720]
  • Availability: Available within 1 - 3 business days
  • Date added: 12/11/2013

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“Linear B, a New Outlook”, by Nicholas A. Massouridis, is the product of thirty years’ study of the phonetic values of the signs of the Linear B script. Proof that Massouridis’s method is correct was provided by the fact that the values have been applied for ten years by his son, Pandelis Masouridis, who has worked on the texts of tablets from Pylos and Knossos, and have also been applied for the first time to the reading of dedications and Linear A tablets from Ayia Triada. Readers will be enchanted by the wonderful world and descriptive wealth of the composite words of the Greek language found in the tablets, as this language evolved towards the Homeric dialect.

Author: Nicholas A. Massouridis

Publisher: Kapon Editions

ISBN: 978-960-7037-47-3

Description: Pages 190 + 248 pages + 188, Paperback. Text in English.

Condition: NEW COPY.

Shipping weight: 1.750 gr

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