Anatomy of the ship: The Battleship Scharnhorst
ANATOMY OF THE SHIP Series - ScharnhorstThe Kriegsmarine‘s Scharnhorst was a German capita..
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Ancient Greek Warship 500-322 BC
NEW VANGUARD Series No 132: Ancient Greek Warship 500-322 BCFormidable and sophisticated, triremes ..
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Arab Armies of the Middle East Wars (2), Men at Arms 194, Osprey
The Six-Day War drastically altered the political and military complexion of the Middle East: three ..
Code: MAA 194
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Arab Armies of the Middle East Wars 1948-73, Men at Arms 128, Osprey
The modern wars of the Middle East began in 1947, when the Syrians, Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebane..
Code: MAA 128
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Arab Armour vs Israeli Armour
DUEL Series No 110: ARAB ARMOUR VS ISRAELI ARMOUR: Six-Day War 1967The Six-Day War in 1967 was a lig..
Code: D19603
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Arab MiG-19 & MiG-21 Units in Combat, Combat Aircraft 44, Osprey
The MiG-21 provided the backbone of frontline Arab air combat strength for many years and remained t..
Code: COM44
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Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947-82
COMBAT AIRCRAFT Series, book No 23: Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947-82When the UN called for the end..
Code: D18445
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Arctic Bf 109 and Bf 110 Aces, Aircraft of the Aces 124, Osprey
Once Nazi Germany had conquered Norway in 1940, just a handful of Gruppen flying the Bf 109 and Bf 1..
Code: ACE124
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Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny, Elite No 11
From the earliest planning stages of the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes, Hitler was convin..
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Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Men at Arms, Osprey
On 1 July 1881 Viscount Cardwell's wholesale reorganisation of the British Army brought into existen..
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Armies in East Africa 1914-18
One of the least-published campaigns of World War I (1914-1918) was that fought in East Af..
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Armies in Lebanon 1982-84
MEN AT ARMS Βook No 165: ARMIES IN LEBANON 1982-1984The Lebanese Civil War of 1975-76 caused 80,000 ..
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Armies in Lebanon 1982-84, Men at Arms No 165, Osprey
The Lebanese Civil War of 1975-76 caused 80,000 dead and totally split the country along factional l..
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Armies in Southern Russia 1918-19, Men at Arms 540, Osprey
An important aspect of the Russian Civil War were the several Allied expeditions immediately followi..
Code: MAA540
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Armies in the Balkans 1914-18, Men at Arms No 356, Osprey
Recent history should remind us that it was events in the Balkans which sparked off the Great War, w..
Code: D18897
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