The Austro-Hungarian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, Men at Arms, Osprey
- Brand: Osprey
- Product Code: D08221 [8221]
- Availability: Out of stock
- Date added: 13/08/2014
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- 18.90€
In 1804, Francis II was forced by Napoleon to abdicate his position as Holy Roman Emperor. Instead, he became the Emperor of a new nation state, Austria-Hungary. Within his borders, he ruled a people of vast ethnic diversity including Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Ukrainians, Poles, Russians, Rumanians, Italians, and Belgians.
This book encapsulates the history of this thrown-together nation state and examines its soldiers as they battled throughout the Napoleonic Wars, covering all of the major campaigns and battles in which they fought.
- Introduction
- Happy Austria makes Marriages
- The Silesian Wars
- The Revolutionary Wars
- The Rise of Napoleon
- Austrian Military Reforms
- The New Austrian War
- The Battle of the Nations
- The Plates
Author: Albert Seaton
Illustrated by: R. Ottenfeld
Publisher: Osprey Publishing (1973 - Special reprint 2002)
ISBN: 0-1-85045-147-7
Description: 48 pages, Paperback, 248 X 185 mm.
Condition: FINE.
Shipping weight: 320 gr.