• Weapons and Victories of the Greek Air Force 1940 - 41

Weapons and Victories of the Greek Air Force 1940 - 41


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  • 29.00€

The WEAPONS AND VICTORIES OF THE GREEK AIR FORCE 1940 - 41 book, presents a highly detailed research work about the guns and ammunition used by the aircraft of the Royal Hellenic Air Force during its confrontation with Regia Aeronautica and Luftwaffe.  Also, records in detail the kills of italian and german aircraft  scored by the Greek pilots.

Author: Nikolaos Christophilis

Publisher: Trojan Horse (2010)

ISBN: 978-960-88355-8-0

Description: 157 pages, Paperback, 278 X 205 mm, 92 b/w age photos & 25 colour photos, 27 drawings (including 17 ''3D'' drawings), 13 diagrams, 3 cutaways, 9 data tables, 2 colour artistic impressions. TEXT & CAPTIONS IN GREEK.

Condition: NEW COPY.

Shipping weight: 750 gr.

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